Support for Ukraine
In April, before Easter, the 18th Chester Cubs were set a challenge to raise funds for the crisis in Ukraine including support specifically for Scouting in Ukraine. The Cubs would borrow £1 from the Scout Group and then would try to raise as much money as they could, but at least a minimum of £5. If they did earn at least £5, after paying the borrowed £1 back, then they would also earn their Money Skills Badge.
In all, thirty-two Cubs from both Monday and Thursday Cub Packs took up the challenge and over the next twelve weeks set about raising money for this worthy cause. The Cubs were given free rein to raise money, without guidance from the leaders, and set about all sorts of fund raising such as bake sales, car washing, gardening, even selling their toys!
A total of £1,021.08 was raised by the Cubs and this has been forwarded on to those in need in Ukraine. Well done, 18th Cubs!