Gang Show 2014 – We’re Back!!

Date: 10th Sep 2013 Author: Scout Websites


Hi Gang!

There’s a great variety of items for this year’s show, with bricks, monsters, detectives, spies, grannies and even a Cheshire Cat – and the usual acting, singing, dancing and corny jokes.

As usual, rehearsals start on different dates depending on how old you are and, as importantly, how old you will be when the show arrives;  there is a little bit of age-related wiggle-room available, so if you want to stay with your friends in the Beaver or Cub Gangs for one more show, it can probably be sorted – please have a chat with Richard (Gang Organiser) at the beginning of rehearsals.  The various start dates, times and locations are:

  • Beavers: Saturday 4 January 2014, 10-11am, 8 th Chester HQ, Tower Road, Chester
  • Cubs:  Saturday 7 December 2013, 2-4pm, Cestrian Scout HQ, Thackeray Drive, Vicars X
  • The rest: Sunday 6 October 2013, 2-4pm, Cestrian Scout HQ, Thackeray Drive, Vicars Cross

Most importantly, we need a bigger Gang!  Not in terms of kilogrammes or centimetres (or Pam’ll be running out of material for all our costumes), but in terms of the number of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Network members appearing on stage.  If everyone could bring one friend to a rehearsal, we’d have a Gang of 168 young people (and that’s still smaller than the biggest Gang ever, which was 178 people in 1984); perhaps that’s wishful thinking, but it would be super for the Gang to break through the 100-member barrier this year!

We really hope to see you all back again for another exciting and fabulous show, preferably with a few new faces to swell the Gang numbers, but definitely with large cheesy grins, two left feet and of course “all your izon the distant hor-izon” of 18-22 February 2014!

As always, we don’t just need the cast on-stage, but alway welcome helpers in any capacity behind the scenes.  If you think you could help, in anyway, even for a short period of time…please get in touch!!

Any problems/queries/loose change – please get in touch via

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

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King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III