Cubs Promise Party
On Friday 16 December over 250 Cub Scouts, leaders and supporters from Chester and district joined together to celebrate 100 years of Cub Scouting.
Thirteen groups from around the area took part in an evening party, followed by a sleepover and breakfast at Blacon High School (this was the only building big enough to accommodate everyone!).
The party started with everyone renewing their Cub Scout Promise to do their best to follow Scouting’s values and to be loyal to our country as well as to help others. As Cubs first started in 1916 the ceremony started at 1916 hours. All over the United Kingdom, Cubs Scouts were renewing the Promise at exactly the same time as part of other events celebrating the centenary.
The Cubs then enjoyed a picnic tea, the Creepy Crawly Show and lots of party games, ending with some movies – and possibly some sleep!
Helen Shone, who leads the team supporting the Cub Scout programme in Chester said:
“Massive thanks to Blacon High School for allowing us to use their fantastic new facilities to host the party and sleepover, especially to Rachel and Nick for all their help.
To see all those Cubs and leaders enjoying the Promise Party and renewing our Promise together was fantastic and I must thank my team for all their help and support in making this event happen.”
The Promise Party was the culmination of a series of events arranged by Helen and her team during the year which celebrated the centenary of Cub Scouting, including a visit to Blackpool Pleasure Beach, a camp for all Cheshire Cubs at Capesthorne Hall and a national camp – Cubjam – in Essex.