Crafty Cubs …
Teams from Cestrian Centurion, 18th Chester (Maclaren), 42nd Chester, 1st Farndon, 1st Malpas, 1st Saltney, 1st Tarporley (Arderne), 1st Tarporley (Portal) and 1st Waverton competed in this year’s District Craft Competition which was held at 1st Waverton headquarters on 2 February. The competition had a Chamboree theme with the Cubs making a model of a superhero, a poster to advertise Chamboree and a cartoon strip featuring their super hero. It was a close contest but the final results were
- 1st – 1st Malpas
- 2nd 1st Tarporley (Portal)
- 3rd 1st Waverton
Congratulations to 1st Malpas, who will represent the District at the County Craft Competition on 8 March in Warrington
Thanks to 1st Waverton for hosting the competition and to Helen Shone, Sue Clifford, June Hughes, Dave Evans and Chris Owens for organising and helping on the day.
To view the photo gallery for this event, please click here.